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What Is the Point of a Trial Period?

What Is the Point of a Trial Period?

My son does not like ketchup. There was a brief “trial period” during which he tried it, hated it and refused to try it again. It’s not a problem; most people have at least one food they don’t like. How do we know what we do and do not like regarding food?...
Delivering Quality Service is Crucial

Delivering Quality Service is Crucial

What is “quality”? Quality can be defined as: “The standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind or the degree of excellence of something.  Quality can cover both ends of the spectrum.  We’ll take a leap of faith and assume you’ve chosen to...
What is your Advertising Message?

What is your Advertising Message?

To put it more succinctly, What are you selling? If you own a hearing healthcare practice and you answered, “hearing aids” then you answered incorrectly.  Advertising is rarely designed to sell an actual product.   It doesn’t matter if it’s a healthcare product,...